"What if I just put ALL my sonas into the same apartment... and they were all friends!"

I was unhappy with how difficult and slow it was to develop a long-running comic, so since I was most interested in character interaction anyway, I created a non-canon world where everyone could be friends! The characters that appear aren't necessarily my actual sonas, but that's a discussion for another page.

SonaPartment had regular-ish comics for several weeks before it slowed down, but it's still getting comics whenever I get ideas. All comics can currently be found on DeviantArt until I move them all somewhere else.

All SonaPartment Comics


Until pages are made for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER, please refer to this page:

Pluck - A standoffish wingless dragon, and the only one that can (barely) keep the chaotic group together. While he might act rude, everyone knows he cares about them and just happens to have dry humor.

Fidget - A goofy red panda-dragon with very bad tastes in food and fashion. His dreams of being a hero can be put on pause while he chills out with the boys and adjusts to the city life.

Rin - Martial artist zapcat who doesn't like wearing shirts. Reasonably in tune with city living, but still has habits of eating cat food.

Tjikko - Ferrin (by Eltalite) that doesn't actually live with the group, but in the forest. He likes hanging out with the group, but comes off as a bit odd, despite being very nice.

Day - The newest addition to the team. A platinum fox that was "hired" on as their cook, but is a habitual prankster. Tends to be shocked by the toony levels of goofiness of the other apartment members.

Ube & Scrampy - Fidget's "pet dogs" that will definitely raid the pantry. Pluck is still unsure if he'll allow them to stay.

Aiden - A poor college student who works at low-wage jobs. Currently works at McDonalds, despite being very bad at talking to people.

Ravi - Owner of the "SecondPartment." Otter that gets along with everyone, but sometimes comes off as overly formal, or even... chivalrous? Strangely protective of Dollop.

Dollop - Anxious gadros (angel dragon) whose fur turns blue the more nervous he is, due to his stradros mark. Paranoid of getting kicked out of the apartment for walking on 4 legs, but his large trench coat causes people to think he's disguised for other reasons.

Hyde - Friendly cow-skunk who moved in with Ravi for his usual cultural studies. Writer who is very interested in learning about others, even if they have secrets to hide.

**Other characters will have cameo appearances. Feel free to check out my Toyhouse if you want to find them by name!